понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

city kansas monarch



I rest my freaking case, people. I think itapos;s official now. #10084;

HEY, tro-mama. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope itapos;s been a good one.

Iapos;m done spamming for the day.

WAIT NO Iapos;M NOT ZOMG MUJUN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH EEEEEEEEEEEE #10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;#10084;
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free email messages

Vannacht lag Julian naast me, warm en onrustig.

Ik baalde ervan, vooral omdat hij vanaf 03.08 uur zei: "Ik ga even beneden spelen".

Met veel overtuigingskracht (voor zover mogelijk 's nachts) heb ik hem in bed kunnen houden.

Toen we moesten opstaan kostte hem dat veel moeite, maar uiteindelijk had hij toch de kleren aan.

Brood wou hij niet, de melk liet hij staan en van een banaan nam hij maar twee hapjes.

Die twee hapjes lagen binnen een kwartier in een emmer te dobberen.

En dan volgt er aktie, hoe vroeg het ook is.

Baas Jan bellen om te zeggen dat ik later of helemaal niet kom.

Jan van de bus bellen om te zeggen dat hij Julian niet hoeft op te halen.

Het MKD bellen om Julian ziek te melden.

De buitenschoolse opvang bellen om te zeggen dat ze niet op hem hoeven te wachten.

Zus 1 bellen, die gelukkig wel wakker was, maar die helaas moest werken.

Van haar wel gehoord dat zus 2 maandag en dinsdag een snipperdag had, dus met het lood in de schoenen toch maar vroeg gebeld.

En jawel, ze nam op en was bereid om op te komen passen.

Lang leve de zussen

Om 13.30 uur heb ik op het werk gezegd dat ik het welletjes vond, aangezien ik zeer ongemakkelijk aan het werk was, dus ging ik naar huis.

Op dat moment kon niemand me ook tegen houden, een moeder hoort gewoon bij haar zieke kind te zijn, afsluitweek of niet

Thuisgekomen heeft Julian een broodje gegeten en wat gedronken en gelukkig kwamen er toen weer blosjes op zijn wangen.

Morgen denk ik gewoon weer naar school.

Ik hou van blosjes

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chris kovalcik

Iapos;m starting to really love my job, despite the fact that I work at three different stores. (COFFEE HOOKER haha). This morning I worked with the most laid back girls ever, and it was a blast I just cleaned up my myspace a little, deleted about 100 people I donapos;t talk to anymore, and some flirty/sketchy dudes along with all of their flirty little comments. It feels good, let me tell ya.

Oh, and ignore the videos/photos from friday night. And uh, donapos;t listen to the stories that I did you-know-what in the you-know-where. Oh man...

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cheerleader behinds

Today i am supposed to head back towards little rock...God i cant wait to see her again I never though I could miss someone so much as i do her....�I havent been the same since i have really been apart from her....I dont feel the same when she isnt around it, Just to look up at the stars at night wondering if she is happy or if she is thinking about me at that moment ...I�miss her touch I miss being able to kis her and hold her all night long it was by far the most enjoyable time i have ever spent...>She actually makes me feel loved� she is the only person i could really see myself with it may sound strange but when i think of her No other female could ever compare to the way she makes me feel....I�would give up anything for her and I just think she is one truely amazing person i wish she could understand.... We have our ights but somewhere somehow we always resolve it we get closer I am trying to let her in but this takes time for me i never have been able to really open but to anyone but I must say she has been the closest that coe and I am going to let her in....She is all i really want....I call her my Angel, not because of her angelic beauty but by the way she saved me....She really did help me out through my toughest times and i will never be able to repay her for that and I will forever love her with my heart. She has it i dont plan on ever wanting it back....Its one thing that i am happy she has to keep I love this girl...
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buddha statues for home garden

Sometimes I can see exactly where my life is going.
I figure that Iapos;m going to get turned down from all the universities I apply to, due to my bad grades.
After that, my parents will kick me out and Iapos;ll be homeless like Anton from that point on.
Iapos;ll devote the remainder of my life to bringing about the apocalypse on Dec. 21, 2012.
Yeah, thatapos;s right.
I actually think Iapos;m supposed to make that happen sometimes.
It sounds ridiculous, my friends tell me Iapos;m crazy or think Iapos;m joking.
But someone needs to make it happen.
It doesnapos;t just happen on itapos;s own, you know?
Either that or Iapos;ll fade away into obscurity for my entire life, Like Jay Draglund.
"Whoapos;s Jay Draglund?"
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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

edvard munch

Three days after baby Charlotteapos;s birth Mercy got back from tidying up the outrage and problems created by Hellaapos;s knife to the back routine up in Valhalla. She went strait to the Kord residence for the purpose of cooing over the baby, and Ted and Liz happily accepted her apology for inducing the labor a day early. It had saved Mercyapos;s life and Charlotte was fine.

"No harm, no foul." Ted had insisted, and the young Goddess had nodded and proceeded to walk right into the realm of weird again.

"Thanks, really, you guys are too nice to me." Mercy replied. "Since I missed out on the Welcome to Life party why doesnapos;t everyone come by my house later this evening for a House Warming party?"

Ted and Liz had blinked at her in confusion.

"Mercy, youapos;re house needs to be renovated and there isnapos;t a scrap of furniture in it." Liz reminded her. Ted looked worried that there might have been a head injury that Mercy hadnapos;t realized sheapos;d gotten up on Olympus.

"Oh, well, the crew thatapos;s working on it should be there any minute." Mercy suddenly frowned, looking out a window and across the street at the thirty-five acres (just under twelve acres per each of the 3 houses sheapos;d bought, though two were now rubble) sheapos;d bought, and the large mansion that was centered near the back.

"Well, still..." Ted started, only to shut his mouth as a dome of brilliant turquoise light encased her property. It pulsed heavily with magical power for precisely five minutes before it withdrew with a loud crackle.

What it left behind had Tedapos;s lip twitching and Liz looking rather tolerantly amused.

"A housewarming party sounds lovely." Liz agreed and when Mercy had left, both felt free to laugh at what theyapos;d just seen.

"It looks like Harlaxton Manor." Liz shook her head and giggled. "On the outside at least."

"On the inside what do you want to be it looks like a combination of the Adamsapos; Family Mansion, the interior set of the remake of The Haunting that Liam Neeson was in, and some art deco palace?" Ted snorted.

"Weapos;ll find out at seven." Liz replied, and then sighed at the sound of their daughterapos;s cries coming over the baby monitor. A quick game of rock-paper-scissors later and it was determined that Ted would climb the stairs to get the baby, and Liz would get comfy on the sofa and wait for him to come to her.

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